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Meta banklogs

Buy Bank Logs with email ACCESS

Trusted online Banklogs and credit card Dumps shop with varieties of country fullz, BankDrops, CVV, Tutorials and Instant Money Transfer Service Website.

We Have an Extensive Knowledge and Experience in dealing with and delivering a wide range of services to our clients Globally.


Our store navigations are simple and flexible for buyers globally to search and find desired products 24/7 everyday.

24/7 Customer Support

We are always online and active to to assist you. Send us a DM today!

Instant Refunds

We always try to make a decision in favor of the buyers. We have a quick refund policy guanranteed.

choose us today!

We Successfully Deliver 1700+ orders with over 94% Positive review from our buyers. We have been in the game and still representing since 8 Years and counting. We’ve been around from the Empire market days and still in business after Empire market Crash. We have gained extensive experience in dealing and delivering a wide range of service to our clients globally. Buy Bank Logs with email access.

For Successful Cashout this days, carders require daily bank logs. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to locate a reliable source for purchasing bank logs with email access, as many people are only interested in your money.

As a result, we’ve decided to Come up with this article on how to acquire legitimate bank logins with email access and cookies if you want to make a lot of money in 2023.

You may use bank logs for a variety of things, including credit card top-ups, Zelle cashouts, ACH, and much more. For our customers who do not have access to a bank log, we have several cash out lessons prepared.

Benefits of Purchasing Bank Logs from MetabankLogs

If you do not have a method, you can request one when you buy the logs from us; but, if you did not buy any logs from us, we may not be able to provide you with one. Many people have approached us asking for assistance in cashing out logs they purchased on the darkweb that are either suspended or invalid. We may not be able to assist you in that instance; we can only assist you with the logs you purchased from us. It’s critical to understand that we’re a legitimate source for bank logins. As a result, you may forget about buying bank logins from a fraudulent hacker’s website.

Our services are fairly and unmistakably consistent, and you can take use of them 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for a total of 365 days. We’ve hacked bank account login information for a variety of bank accounts all across the world. (Especially in the United States, the United Kingdom, and European Union countries). Once we receive your request and determine that we have what you need, we will provide you with a free quote that includes all fees. All you have to do now is give us your email address so that we can contact you. After that, you pay our charge and provide us with the bank account details of your choice. We will contact you if we have such information, and if we do not, we will refund your money.

Bank logs are personal account credentials (username, email, cookies, and account information). Spammers create phishing sites and target them. When the target clicks the link to log in to the online banking platform, the login IP, username and password are retrieved and sent to the spammer’s email. Buy Bank Logs with email.

All About: Western Union

Basically, Western Union is American based multinational company that is used for transactions such as online money transfer and receiving. This company works international level its branches are available all over the world.  You can say it is the fastest way to transfer money or receive money from the different states of the world.

Details: Western Union Hackers Forum

On this website you are able to get various hacking tools that help you to cash out in a safe way. You are able to get money from through this process. Here you will get the right skills to hack western union hacking software. Various peoples are looking for legit western union hackers and trusted sites because western union scams ad frauds are work strongly everywhere.

How To Hack Money From Western Union?

We have a big team of hackers that work very well.  They have years of experience in this field we are offering our services with excellent two-way.  You will get a perfect tool to hack any account and cash out easily.  These unique and remarkable services give you visible results without involving you in uncertainty.   It is a really smooth process through our services so you don’t need to be worried about anything else. Get western union hack free online.

Fair price

We Keep our prices fair enough on metabanklogs

Payment Mode

We receive payment in bitcoin as the world have moved from the traditional means of payment to crypto

Regular Updates

We try to update almost every day. That our clients could receive the most recent Banklogs, dumps and CC first-hand.

your business with us is

100% anonymous

We do not disclose any of your information provided on this website. We do not resell the same products to multiple persons. Our products are guaranteed as we confirm each tools are valid before  sending out the information.

The MetaBanklogs team has extensive experience carding and paying out stolen or hacked credit card data online (CC Fullz). We have mastered many CC hacking and sniffing methods by spamming, distributing malware, and asking everyone on the street for their credit card information. Hello, Moda Fucka! My name is Captain Jack Sparrow. your payment card information!

The Best carding cashout methods 2023So, brothers and CC Fullz fans, we have the greatest team to give you with fresh hacked CC to satisfy your money need, as well as any carding and CC Fullz cashing out tactics that will work for you. Procedures evolve as a team of pentesters attempts to research ecommerce platforms such as Amazon, Ebay, and other sites prone to credit card theft and refund methods. A member of our CC cashout research team found in July 2022 that you could buy bitcoin from a website selling cryptocurrency in the United States just by validating your SSN and providing the appropriate scan papers. They don’t care about the cards, at least for now, because they’re trying to make money and improve their site security against fraudulent credit card charges. Customers who sign up for our CC Fullz and carding mentorship will be given access to this crypto site and carding guide.

This also happened the with Credit Card payment processor stripe back from 2012 when you could card stripe and cash out your CC fullz using dead SSN fullz and VPN, if you’ve been in the game for some time you’ll understand. Its a constant learning, trials and error to get the perfect methods to help all our customers make money.

  • Debit Card (balance known) + Fullz You can use any of your favourite credit card suppliers to make your transaction.
  • Bank drop with mobile deposit (such as Money Lion) – you will be given a virtual card.
  • Account with Truthfinder (about $25 per month)
  • Account on Wallethub.com (free credit report)
  • Good socks (Lux, VIP 72) or VPN on mobile (Whoer and Express VPN are suggested since they employ proxy connections, avoiding open port scannings)
  • Telephone number (phoneblur.com)
  • Email (Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, etc.)
  • Local printer or printer service
  • Make a Suntrust Bank Drop using the CC Fullz.
    It goes without saying that you must configure your system to match your fullz. The same city, time zone, browser language, and so on. Hmu if you need a bank drop for your filthy work.
  • Make a debit card deposit (nothing will flag because the CC name matches the Bank Drop name you just created).
  • Once the money have been placed, visit online check writer and link your newly formed drop, then generate a check for your own drop to deposit the monies you just contributed to Suntrust (which will be provided through email).
  • Print the cheque and deposit it via mobile deposit at your bank.

Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned carder, the Metabanklogs.com crew knows your requirements and provides only high-quality items and services. Customers who wish to get started with carding without being burnt can take advantage of the following offer. Learning from successful individuals is the finest approach to achieve, and it will save you a lot of time. This deal costs $350, and here’s what you’ll get: you’ll get two manuals that are currently functioning for everyone, regardless of nation.

  • How to Properly Setup Your Computer for Carding.7 WAYS TO CASHOUT STOLEN CC
  • How to check the amount on a credit card without canceling it.
  • How to identify card-able sites on your own.
  • How to withdraw money from a bank or your bitcoin wallet.
  • Top reputable sites to purchase high-balance CC fullz in 2023.
  • Currently hitting websites for credit card fullz to bitcoin carding.

You need to learn carding, do it yourself, and make fast money to become rich.

Today I’m teaching carding from A to Z. From beginner to advanced: You will be able to card any website, 2D or 3D, after completing the course. Furthermore, I will supply all tools, independent of technology (mobile or PC), for everyone to utilize.

  • Credit card information with up to 5,000 account balances — $80
  • Credit card information with 10,000 or more account balances — $150
  • USA hacked credit card data with CVV – $65 
  • Australia hacked credit card details with CVV – $95 
  • Canada hacked credit card details with CVV – $105
  • UK hacked credit card details with CVV – $65

Get Premium CVV & Credit Cards

Spamming is not for the faint of heart; you can easily lose money due to low-quality tools and a poor spamming setup. The next challenge is obtaining legitimate spam providers, which is where the metabanklogs.com team is attempting to bridge the gap.

Avery is a frequent visitor. Adrian was doing the best place to buy spamming tools everything perfectly before discovering metabanklogs.com, but in the end, his links are not bulletproof and will die. This is not good for business, brothers, to be turned off and displaying red flags on the victim’s browser.

To assist this brother, we devised a novel way and established a bulletproof link utilizing blockchain technology. The results he obtained as a result of this are mind-blowing. As Adrian mentioned, there may be minor details you’re overlooking; perhaps you should change your letter, encrypt it, and make it FUD.

We have updated scam pages for all banks, and we can code any scam page you want specially for you. Fresh valid SMTP is guaranteed to hit Office 365,
inbox and other email providers. We provide an SMS panel or gateway with any sender ID of your choice and 90–95% inbox delivery. GSM machine, simple
Sims, Scammer pages (Wells Fargo, RBFCU, PayPal, Netflix, USPS), Cpanels, Domains, Leads, SMTP senders.

For all nations sending bulk SMS, as well as for expanding your business with numerous clicks, we offer high-quality, reliable methods. There is an SMS gateway available for legitimate traffic. Additionally, an SMS panel can be used. We support practically any country you would be interested in.

  • Sms pannel available
  • free testing to any countries (Spam/Traffic)
  • 100% delivery of bulk sms >no scamming zone
  • we provide good job for work done
  • No wasting of time on any work.
  • You get great clicks from us. Inbox offers
  • Make a Suntrust Bank Drop using the CC Fullz.
  • It goes without saying that you must configure your system to match your fullz. The same city, time zone, browser language, and so on. Hmu if you need a bank drop for your filthy work.
  • Make a debit card deposit (nothing will flag because the CC name matches the Bank Drop name you just created).
  • Once the money have been placed, visit www.onlinecheckwriter.com and link your newly formed drop, then generate a check for your own drop to deposit the monies you just contributed to Suntrust (which will be provided through email).
  • Print the cheque and deposit it via mobile deposit at your bank.

new hacking rat setup + cryptingDon’t be terrified, and don’t let your heart be saddened when you hear the term “hacking.” Cybercriminals with hacking abilities and tactics do make more money. We have the greatest educators. XII or Doc, XSL-M macros, and more are available. We realize that you need a specially coded private crypter to circumvent Windows Defender Runtime as an army of robbers. According to certain consumers, the issue with macros is that many clients in the United States and Canada will not click ENABLE; instead, they will disregard it. But if you offer them a compelling reason to click and allow macros, you can use all of your techniques to persuade them.

You should not rely on shady hacking communities like Hackforums.net for hacking tools in 2023. HF is a farce filled with jerks and fraudsters, with just 0.0001% of it being genuine. I have an account on HF, but I don’t post or sell anything; I just make normal messages and occasionally help the youngsters. To be honest, I’m overqualified for the position. Net dumb copied source codes with a different name or theme for RATs, Crypters, and any other hacking tool. Don’t squander money on inferior tools.

There are quiet entries and macros with the Metabanklogs.com team, as well as an XLL FUD builder with NO MACROS, which implies 100% silence. When the victim clicks on it, it goes boom! A PDF creator is provided. Crypting services are provided at a monthly fee.

image of a rat hacking course program We will cover the essentials of remote access tools in this course. Many ethical hackers want to learn more than just CEH. We will show you how remote access tools function and which ones are the most effective, as well as give you a thorough introduction to cryptography. We will teach you how to generate and test FUD files in a secure educational setting with suitable laboratories. We will educate you on the significance of VPS.

It is critical to learn how to hack a machine in ethical hacking. It is possible to accomplish it both visually and manually. We will be teaching visually in this course, which means we will be utilizing tools and software to generate the files we need to make rather than producing them manually, which can take time. In addition, by employing visuals, we have more powerful tools, allowing us to make the most of our abilities.

We will show you how RATS work. We will create malware from the tools and learn how to make it FUD (fully undetectable). Good anti-virus software detects almost all malware.We will learn how to bypass it with a very good crypter.

Meta-Banklogs Botnet Courses Are Now Available Starting Now Limited to 12 Students

All Classes will be conducted daily via private chat and anydesk or team viewer group sessions.

All tools will be included in this course

  • Botnet
  • Stealer
  • Rats 
  • Binders
  • Crypters
  • Exploit packs
  • Plus more

We will go over everything about properly setting up and useing botnets and other types of malware to get the most victims and logs out of them. And how to stay safe and anonymous while using.

We will spend a majority of time learning spreading .Basic Telegram Spreading

  • Forum Spreading Gamer Spreading
  • Fivrr and other Free Lancer Spreading
  • Google Ads Spreading
  • Facebook Ads Spreading Updated YouTube Spreading
  • Email Spreading
  • Push Notification Spreading
  • Crypto Targeted Spreading
  • Plus More

After students begin to get their own logs we will learn the proper way of logging in using different antidetect browsers and how to properly import cookies. Importing wallet.dat files using bitcoin will also be discussed and how to retrieve the spendable funds.

Are A Newbie Or Do You Want To Be A Professional Hacker?

Would You Also  Like To Learn About Botnets or Advance Your hacking Skills?


  • What is botnet
  • What tools you need
  • What does these tools do?
  • How to spread your virus?

Private methods
Targeting methods
Private tools

  • How to crypt your virus
  • How to bind your virus
  • How to get money from your botnets
  • How Droppers Works
  • The reverse shell theory and C&C theory
  • We will explain how setup kali Linux and cobalt strike inside it
  • Methods for delivering payloads

RATS Section:

  • How to setup your RAT
  • How to port forward
  • How to use Rat -HVNC access
  • Android Rat
  • Get Exclusive Rats for free (We will give you premium stable rats like Remcos)

Logs Section:

  • How stealers Works
  • Android Banking Botnet
  • How to use Logs + Cookies + Bank Logs -How to get Credit Cards from Logs
  • How to byass Crypto Wallets 2FA and Passwords if the wallet installed in PC

Ransomware Section:

  • How to Target your Victims
  • How to use Ransomware
  • How to clean crypto currencies paid by victims
  • How to Setup your Ransomware Correctly
  • How to identify highly wealthy targets

Clipper Section:

  • How to use Clippers
  • How Clippers works
  • How to steal crypto with clippers
  • Course price: $450
  • Course + Tools: $1,000



You must understand how to use the logs generated by your RATS and botnet stealers. If you don’t know how to convert your logs to bitcoin or bank drops, you may end up selling them to market brothers for a low price, which is not ideal because you need to recoup your investment in hacking and spamming tools.

How to Cash In Stolen Bank Account Credentials Using BitcoinIt is our delight to help you succeed, which is why we provide this premium service of supporting you in generating money from stolen bank logins, spammed CC fullz, crypto wallets, TransferWise accounts, and other plundered items. We have available drop accounts from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, the European Union, and other countries. The majority of our drop accounts are completely verified business accounts associated with bitcoin exchanges to swiftly convert your windfall to bitcoin.

We have ready drop accounts from USA, UK, Australia, Canada, EU and more, most of our drop accounts are fully verified business accounts linked with bitcoin exchangers to convert your loot to bitcoin for you quickly.

Logging tutorial [mini-guide]: Imagine you were infected with a virus, trojan,  etc., and someone stole all your data: cookies, logins, sessions, wallets, and more. That means the term “logs.”

Get Bank Logins With Email Access

How can I make MAD money with BANK Logs?

  • You can sell the accounts you get from logs (e.g.,  porn, streaming, gaming, etc.).
  • Check your mail access accounts and get what you want from them—steam, crypto, PayPal, and more.
  • You can check crypto wallets to see if they have money so you can easily transfer it to your wallet.
  • Blackmailing—threaten to post their real information on the internet and more!
  • And much more!

Email addresses and User:Pass cookies are used for Chrome and Firefox logins; you must follow the tutorial. For more shitsessions, such as discord or telegram, you must put on%appdata%, for example, discord or telegram Direct Logins.  Cookies areused mostlyd for forumy.editor for cookies How to Use Sessions Like Discord or Telegram: If you see “Discord” and “Telegram” in your logs, go to your%appdata%. a%

partner with meta hackers to cashout your logs

We provide good quality routes to which is stable for all countries sending bulk sms and also to prosper your work with many clicks. SMS gateway available for Spamming/clean traffic. Also, SMS panel available for use. We su[port almost all the countries you may want.

Are you new to the realm of hacking?

Do you feel dumb when you don’t know the meaning of a certain term? Well, then this will certainly help you out!. If you are ever unsure about anything, simply scroll down and find that specific word, then read the definition.

Anything includes abbreviations, phrases, words, and techniques. The list is in alphabetical order for convenience!

* Abbreviations

DDoS is an abbreviation for Distributed Denial of Service.

DrDoS = Distributed Reflected Denial of Service Attack, uses a list of reflection servers or other methods such as DNS to spoof an attack to look like it’s coming from multiple ips. Amplification of attack power COULD occur. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) used for transferring files over an FTP server.

FUD stands for Fully Undetectable.

Hex: In computer science, hexadecimal refers to base-16 numbers. These are numbers with the following digits: 0123456789ABCDEF.In the C programming language (as well as Java, JavaScript, C++, and other places), hexadecimal numbers are prefixed by an ox. In this manner, one can tell that the number 0x80 is equivalent to 128 decimal, not 80 decimal.

HTTP stands for “Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.” The foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Transmitting text messages in real time between online users

JDB = Java drive-by, a very commonly used web-based exploit that allows an attacker to download and execute malicious code locally on a slave’s machine through a widely known Java vulnerability. Malware: malicious software.

Nix = Unix based operating system, usually refered to here when refering to DoS’ing.

POP3 =This is the most popular protocol for picking up e-mail from a server.

✰R.A.T = Remote Administration Tool

SDB = Silent drive-by, using a zero day web-based exploit to hiddenly and un-detectably download and execute malicious code on a slave’s syster (similar to a JDB however no notification or warning is given to the user)

SE = Social Engineering

Skid =Script Kid/Script Kiddie

SMTP =A TCP/IP protocol used in sending and receiving e-mail.

SQL=Structured Query Language. It’s a programming language, that used to communicate with databases and DBMS. Can go along with a word after it, such as “SQL Injection.”
SSH Secure Shell, used to connect to Virtual Private Servers.

TCP = Transmission Control Protocol, creates connections and exchanges packets of data.

UDP =User Datagram Protocol, An alternative data transport to TCP used for DNS, Voice over IP, and file sharing.

VPN =Virtual Private Network

VPS =Virtual Private Server

XSS (CSS) = Cross Site Scripting

Algorithm = A series of steps specifying which actions to take in which order.

ANSI Bomb = ANSI.SYS key-remapping commands consist of cryptic-looking text that specifies, using ansi numeric codes to redefine keys.

Hello, I saw a lot of manuals and tutorials on individual topics on Telegram, but why couldn’t someone put everything into one?
First of all, you saw a topic on Telegram about distributing some kind of logs and went in.
And you’re already searching for “what are logs?” in Google.
But we will start from the very basics.


The above word (stealer, thief, kidnapper, etc.) is a program that steals: passwords, logins, cookies, credit cards, however, all confidential information, and with the “FileGrabber” function, it can also steal files in certain directories specified by the scammer (in aggregate, this is called a “log).
(The most famous are Redline and Raccoon; this is enough to get acquainted; there are actually hundreds of variations.)
A sample of how a red line appears (looked once mb)


(RAT – Remote Access Trojan) – As the name suggests, this is a program that allows you to remotely control an infected PC; however, this program has many functions, including webcam viewing and the loading of additional viruses, such as miners.
(the most famous: DCRAT, Remcos; at least on this forum, it is so accurate, despite the fact that it is quite cheap, while Redline is expensive as hell and does not justify its price.)
DcRat, here’s an example of what it looks like: (random Google screen, in the photo, infected PCs)


So actually, we came to these very “logs.”  What are logs? Yes, this is just a combination of logins, passwords, information about hardware, IP, files, and a screen when opening a file (not always, but there is such a function that is quite useful).
It looks roughly like this (there are many other folders; it all depends on what the user has on the PC; for example, there may be a “wallets” folder in which there will be crypto wallets).


“Well, why do I need these, like, logs—manually check everything?” “It’s very long!”
Let’s start with the fact that you’re a beginner fiddling with logs for the first time and can’t do it unless you’re lucky and creative, which you aren’t.But if you are really too lazy to check anything (but in vain), then there are programs such as “checkers” (checker-checker), which, as it is clear from the name, check your logs for what is there; there are also paid checkers, so and… (cracked paid checkers).
For example, BLTools, a cool checker (it’s better not to use it without a proxy because it kills some requests),
This is how the log checker looks; on top are the services for which you need to check the logs; on the left are loaded proxies, logs, and other utilities.


To begin, if you use a free vpn, you are a fool, because even a $10 vpn account (ipvanish) will keep your security several times better than a free vpn, though they will find you if they want to.Well, what about the proxy-fuck inventing a bicycle?
Crypting is, in simple words, encryption from anti-virus software, Windows Defender (WD), and other crap that will remove your malware as soon as it notices it. You won’t be able to do such a thing yourself, so the easiest way is to ask for a review or buy a crypt of your file for a couple of bucks; without a crypt, you won’t succeed. One person out of 30 will not have a single antivirus, and Windows Defender is turned off.
(In a simple word: crypting is encryption of the executable file, which allows you to bypass detection by antivirus programs.)

Traffic and Spreading

“What do I need this for? How can I lure people into these programs?”
Now, however, everyone is fucking YouTube hard, with all sorts of cracks, cheats, miners, and so on.
You can type “Fortnite Cheat Free” in YouTube, turn on the filter by upload date, and see that they appear every damn minute; unfortunately, this is a lack of creativity. I do not argue that you can catch a good log even from such a topic, but the chance of this is extremely small.

Typical Traffic Scheme

File crypt video archive | Tiktok | Telegram | Whatever | Bay with proxy | SEO hack

1. The crypt is described in paragraph 6.

2. Archive with video. I think everything is clear here anyway; you choose the theme of the stream, make tags, the name of the video, the video itself with the guide on how to download and open it, and the functionality of the cheat or whatever you have there. (Be sure to put a password on the archive with Malicious so that your archive is not banned by the file exchanger, and shorten the link through Beetle or similar services.)

3. a YouTube channel, Tiktok, Telegram, or whatever. Purchase an account with a good GEO in any of the telegram shops of YouTube channels; I’m not sure if the registration date affects the straight, but it’s better to purchase an old account with a good GEO that isn’t India!

4. Bay with a proxy You can purchase a bay with a proxy for up to a hundred dollars, or for a review.Until you understand how to upload it yourself, obviously.

5. SEO promotion (search engine optimization, or “pushing” your site or video to the top of search results). Cheating SEO directly affects whether your video will reach the top of the search. People artificially boost your likes, views, and comments so that your video gets up to 100 SEO. (50 SEO points you should get with good tags; the remaining 50 are behind cheaters.)

6. Examine logs (a log is a file containing data received from the victim computer that includes cookies, passwords, component information, the IP address, and desktop files). The stealer is distributed to obtain logs. You have two options: either throw all the logs to the loggers and give them 100% success because you have no idea how to process cryptocurrency or other unknown services, or you can work everything out yourself after running the logs through the checker. r


Excellent Cryptographic Services

Today, we sell AWS, VBS crypt, Ink exploit, and PDF loader from the Metabanklogs Hacking Team, and your results will be fast and amazing. You will highly recommend this team to your best friends and pastor. Our support will help you and teach you what more than 10 other sellers combined cannot do. With the ink, a PDF loader, and some social engineering, that will be the weapon. With a good sender available, sending 100K and above depends on the SMTP, but you may want to do less than 100K for inbox guarantee.

Amazon Console has a daily limit of $50,000 and inbox guarantees.RDP can be used by senders.
As one customer said, we have to bring down the price of our crypts so that everyone can afford them and start well too. It was when he started using our crypts that he understood the prices are low according to the runtime results, and our crypt is not to be compared with those of shitty crypters.


  • 1 output cipher (exe, pif, scr, bat) – $225 OUT OF STOCK
  • 1 Crypt output.vbs There is nothing else: $350 OUT OF STOCK
  • 14-day subscription: Two crypts can be ordered for $400 (out of stock).
  • 1 Month 5The output of Private Crypts can be exe, pif, or scr bat — $850 OUT OF STOCK
  • 1 month, 8 private crypts, output can be exe, pif, scr, bat, $1200
  • The user can request his crypts during the first 30 days of his subscription.
  • 1 month’s worth of 8 private crypts’ output will be NOTHING ELSE — $2000 vbs
  • The user can request his crypts during the first 30 days of his subscription.

We reserve a maximum of three days to provide the crypted software/stub, but usually much less.

You can’t come to us at the end of your substitution and request your crypts. Buy what you need to work with at the current moment, not what you want to buy and wait until your subscription is over.

For encryptions, the customer must provide a Linux host (if the user wants us to provide the host, the cost is $50 per month or $100 per month with cPanel).
New AWS Private Console

Get Track 1 & 2 Dumps with pin (best 101/201 dumps Store)

We offer dumps with PIN service codes 201 and 101 at Metabanklogs.com. We also provide cash-out-ready plastic dumps with pins with free international shipping for a minimum purchase amount. Dumps with pins hold important information; if you don’t know what to deal with them, you might get yourself into trouble. All of our payment transactions are solely protected through bitcoin P2P payments. We sell high-quality, freshly skimmed dumps with a pin on tracks 1 and 2.

Sell Dumps Us, UK, Canada, Australia, and Europe: with and without pin, Track 1/2 Sell CVCC: US, UK, Canada, Australia, and Europe Fresh + High Balance nce – of dumps Dumps: Va, Master, Discovercoveri Gold, MStandardandart, Platinum, Bine Card, Cooperation Card, AmeExpress Expre, Debi – 

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Price For MSR:

  • MSR 206 + 2x CRM41 = $1000
  • MSR 206 + 2x CRM42 = $950
  • MSR 206 + 2x MSR 500m (mini123) = $800
  • MSR 206 + 2x MSR 400 = $1,000
  • MSR 206/MSR 300 = $750
  • MSR 206/MSR 3000 = $750
  • MSR 505/TA – 48 = $650
  • MSR 505/MSR 300* = $550
  • MSR 505/MSR 2000 = $650?

How long it will take for me to receive order?

  • Shipping with FedEx, DHL, UPS or EMS. Shipping time from 2-5 days, but it depends on country where you are located.

We ship worldwide to any country. Before you place order, kindly read the product description.

** USA :101 Dumps – Visa Classic, MasterCard Standard =105$ -Visa Gold Platinum Business, MasterCard Gold Platinum = 150$

American Express = $150 (Without SID) – Discover = $120

Canada: 101 201

  • Visa Classic, MasterCard Standart = 95$
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EU, UK: 101 201

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  • Business Signature|Purchase Corporate World = 200$

ASIA/AUSTRALIA/Exotic: 101 201 121

  • MasterCard Visa Classic = $150
  • Visa Gold Platinum Corporate Signature|Business = $170

Other countries: 101 201

  • MasterCard Visa Classic = 50$
  • Visa Gold Platinum Corporate Signature Business = 170$

Price for Dumps with Pin, Track 1/2:

  • Dumps with Pin, Track 1/2 (): $180/1pcs
  • Dumps with Pin, Track 1/2 (UK): $120/1pcs
  • Dumps with Pin, Track 1/2 (CA): $120/1pcs
  • Dumps with Pin, Track 1/2 (AU & EU): $120/1pcs

Price for Dumps without Pin, Track 1/2:

  • Dumps A: 101, 201
  • Va Claic | Master Standart = $40/1pcs
  • Va | Master | Amex | Dcover (Gold, Platinum) = $50/1pcs (Bine, gnature, Purchase, Cooprate, Word) = $60/1pcs
  • Dumps UK: 101, 201
  • Va | Master Standart = $50/1pcs – Va |Master | Amex | Dcover (Gold, Platinum) = $60/1pcs
  • (Bine, gnature, Purchase, Cooprate, Word) = $70/1pcs
  • Dumps CA + AU:
  • 101, 201 – Va | Master Standart = $60/1pcs
    – Va |Master | Amex | Dcover (Gold, Platinum) = $65/1pcs
  •  (Bine, gnature, Purchase, Cooprate, Word) = $70/1pcs

We check the balance on the Dumps, so you never get a balance of le than 2000.

Even if 1 Dumps will be dead, we guarantee to exchange it to live Dumps for free. Th option available only 24 hours after we send you Dumps.

Dumps 101 & 102 Store

Plastic Dumps With Pin

Plastic refers to the white cards that many plastic providers manufacture to match your dump, which means they will emboss the numbers on your dump as well as the appropriate name onto a blank card (not-embossed card). You’d be astonished at the quality of plastics; most cashiers can’t tell the difference between a real and a fake (unless you have really low-quality plastic or the cashier is deeply into this). Plastics are not required because you can encode any old card; they are simply more legitimate. This can also be a waste of money if you have dumps that die quickly since they came from a dodgy source.

premium 101/201 DUMPS with pin

What is the distinction between credit card dumps 101 and 201? It’s really rather simple: 101 is a swipe-only card, whereas 201 has a chip. “How are you going to pass a 201 chipped card without knowing the pin?” you may wonder. There are locations for such, particularly POS devices that swipe 201s (rather than input them). You will have to discover your own locations or simply purchase excellent dumps that function from us. Now that you’ve learnt the three distinct terminology we’ll be using throughout the tutorial, let’s get to the exciting stuff. There are several approaches to in-store carding, but the basics are as follows:

• Hitting it random
• Insider carding.

Hitting It Random

If you have an embosser, the possibilities are endless. Because your card numbers match your track, you can pretty much travel wherever, which is crucial because certain POS systems have digit verification, but more on that later. You have two options if you’re re-encoding old cards and don’t have a matching last four. Option A: You can buy it from us and tell us the last four digits that you require so that we can provide you with the dump that you can use with yours or on its own.

Insider carding

If you have an embosser, the possibilities are endless. Because your card numbers match your track, you can pretty much travel wherever, which is crucial because certain POS systems have digit verification, but more on that later. You have two options if you’re re-encoding old cards and don’t have a matching last four. Option A: You may buy it from us and tell us the final four digits that you require so that we can provide you with the dump that you can use with yours or on its own.

ATM card cloning machine

Card cloning or counterfeiting is the technique of copying the magnetic strip of a legitimate bank card and then placing it on a replica card. This cloned card can subsequently be used to make purchases at point-of-sale devices and withdrawals from automated teller machines (where the customer’s personal identification number [PIN] has also been acquired) (ATM). Skimming refers to the technique of copying the magnetic stripe on a credit card.

The card is swiped through a mechanism similar to those seen on point-of-sale terminals. The information on the magnetic stripe is then recorded and put on the magnetic stripe of another card.

Because the information on the magnetic strip is similar, point-of-sale systems and ATMs cannot tell the difference between a cloned card and the original. If the thief obtains the customer’s PIN, he can then take funds from the account using an ATM. Any bank card with a magnetic stripe may be copied. Credit cards, debit cards, and standard ATM cards are all included.

Depending on the cardholder’s particular card processing systems, the thief will not be able to make any purchases or withdrawals unless he has also obtained the PIN. This would be the case with certain debit cards, which also need the correct PIN to be entered on the point of sale device to process the transaction.

black market credit cards for sale

What is the distinction between credit card dumps 101 and 201? It’s really rather simple: 101 is a swipe-only card, whereas 201 has a chip. “How are you going to pass a 201 chipped card without knowing the pin?” you may wonder. There are locations for such, particularly POS devices that swipe 201s (rather than input them). You will have to discover your own locations or simply purchase excellent dumps that function from us. Now that you’ve learnt the three distinct terminology we’ll be using throughout the tutorial, let’s get to the exciting stuff. There are several approaches to in-store carding, but the basics are as follows:

• Hitting it random
• Insider carding.

Price List For Cloned cards + Shipping



$5,000 USD


$10,000 USD


$20,000 USD


$30,000 USD


$50,000 USD


$100,000 USD




If you are an expert in the game and want to create your own clone debit card from the comfort of your own home, first visit our store and get the blank cards and MSR. We have high-balance CC dumps available for pay out.

It should be noted that the price includes the cost of delivery. DHL and UPS deliver the pre-programmed ATM card. Standard delivery takes around 5 days for orders from countries outside than the United States. Customers in a select US counties can acquire their debit cards the same day. Contact a member of our customer service team to inquire about the availability of express delivery alternatives.


ATM hacking tools are popular on the dark web, and many of these cheap tools are also sold in the hacking/carding tools section of Metabanklogs.com.

We offer the most up-to-date pre-made tools to break into these machines, including malware cards, USB ATM Malware, and more, making it simple for anyone to hack an ATM in under 15 minutes.

Contact us to learn about the most recent tools to hack an ATM machine. Previously, these machines were a little hard to operate, but today with these gadgets, anyone can operate these machines.

We have an ATM Malware Card that includes a user manual, a PIN descriptor, a trigger card, and an ATM Malware Card. It surreptitiously captures all card information once installed. The trigger card, which distributes cash, may also be used to withdraw funds. Another typical method of distribution. The money is made by infecting the devices with a malware-infected USB drive. We also provide ATM hacking equipment such as the GSM receiver, ATM skirmishers, POS, petrol pumps, and deep inserts.

Get Bank Logins With Email Access

Bank Wire Transfer Hacking Proceedure

hacking of bank accounts and wire transfers Bank account hacking has never been so straightforward. Our automatic Trojan/malware is appreciated. We were successful in obtaining the banking credentials from numerous banks worldwide using this malware. A specific account detail, a bank database, or even a bank server can be found using this method, which is very effective for finding information on banks. Our highly qualified team, which included Russian hackers, developed the special bank transfer hacking tool. When a bank administrator tries to log into his bank admin server database using a computer that has been infected by the virus, the virus spreads the infection and takes the login information. This allows the virus to establish remote computer access to the bank server.

We have remote control over hacked bank admin computer server databases globally using Banking Botnet and Hvnc hacking technologies, and we can start a bank transfer from anywhere. Spam emails, phishing schemes, the deployment of harmful software, and banking trojans or botnets are all simple ways to breach and access banking systems, making banking hacking a real possibility. In order to do this in practice, you must be computer literate and tech-savvy. A hacker sends out millions of emails through spamming that contain phishing links or malicious file attachments, which typically take the form of exploit kits in PDF or Microsoft Word documents.

We provide you this service of infinite money transfer by combining a range of instruments with our more than 15 years of experience in the sector. We employ robust Zeus botnets, cutting-edge phishing and mass emailing platforms, and international bank login databases. We are prepared to send BANK TRANSFERS to any nation rather than attempting to sell you software. Because it is a serious subject, it is not suitable for children or people who wish to pass the time. Unlimited funding, $10M in a single transfer to your business and trade partners, and speedy money transfers to your bank account are all available for 90% less. If you don’t know how to do business or probably don’t, there are no limits to what you can accomplish with our bank transfer service.

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